Professor VN Sibiya is an anointed Kingdom Ambassador of the Most High God, appointed for this generation. He is the Founder/President of VN Sibiya Ministries (VNSM), (also known as) Omega Bible Church (OBC), presently in South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Nigeria. He is also the Founder/President of Africa Conference of Covenant Churches (ACCC), a giant network with a vision to unite covenant leaders and churches for the restoration of the Dominion apostolic foundation creating opportunities for guidance, leadership development, mentoring, empowerment, coaching and connection.
Shalom Leaders
You are all invited to join a vast group of leaders to an intensive leadership training course that will afford you with a certificate, diploma in ministry, minister’s license and assist you to officially be registered as a leader in your position and all your previously received certificates with the Association of Christian Religious Practitioners (ACRP) and many more helpful benefits necessary for your ministerial responsibilities. We advise senior leaders to please bring your organisation’s committee members for this important intensive training. There will be graduation ceremonies for those who registered and completed their 5 Days Wisdom For Reigning Seminars! Thank you for your cooperation and positive response in advance!
Your Kingdom Ambassador & World Peace Ambassador, Prof. VN Sibiya OBTC/OGI/OGU Life Chancellor

To provide highest quality education, training with skills that empowers individuals to be effective professionals and contributors to the global economy

We build knowledge through Education and Training for great Experience towards successful execution of our objectives, achieving Excellence in teaching, learning and service delivery

We believe that education should be life challenging and changing. Therefore, our courses are designed to assist our students to develop and practice the skills they need to live a profound successful lifestyle.
Life Experience
All degrees at the Omega Bible Theological College are earned degrees. This is achieved by mandatory coursework that must be completed.
Bible College transcripts do not always reflect real life experience. Omega Bible Theological College recognizes life experience which may have been gained through years of work which is ministry related.
Many people have served in ministry positions and have gained a lot of knowledge and experience in their fields, but do not have any formal certificate, Bible College, or degree. Life experience credits can give some of the recognition needed for this service in the work of the Lord.
This acceptance of life credits helps a potential student to accelerate their learning college experience and enabling them to earn a fully accredited degree.
Applicants must have had more than five years in a recognized position in ministry.
No Bible Colleges or degrees can be awarded based purely upon life-experience. Life experience credit cannot be given for an entire degree but is limited to a maximum of 30 credit hours.
Life experience which could include such things as books authored, missions trips, classes taught, outreach ministries, ministries within a church, etc., must be documented along with the years they occurred and submitted for evaluation.